Thursday, November 12, 2009

Hello.. Hello.. HELLO!!

Well.. I have nothing to say. But for sure, mommy is playing with my facebk and it is v IRRITATING! Poor lappy of mine......


Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Today, I don't know if its a gd for me but I went to my sister's hse and had KFC for lunch-dinner.. HAHA. Aft that.. my sis(Along) went to view a pent house + flat.. It was so COOL! Can't show you the pictures.. Pretty tired.

Goood night!


Monday, November 09, 2009


Greetings! I know I have not send anything..!! haha. My bad. My computer was down. So I can't write anything. And finally a lappy. It was given by u. Donald. Small and usable. I have lots of movies to write but pretty LAZY! haha.. Well.. As for "My sister's Keeper" was really GOOD! I cried while watching. Its v touching!
