Saturday, November 06, 2010

About movies.

Good morning!

I have 2 "new" movies that I watched so far.. I feel really happy aft watching them!! And they are....

GROWN UPS. (Ps don't kill me those who wanted to watch it with me.)


Saturday, July 24, 2010

Now what have I done wrong this time?

I am in a big trouble! Actually, not really that big but I cannot take it. Now, there is this guy whom I don't want to say out his name, really like me. Mati lah I..!! We were sitted opposite. He likes to look at me. He confessed to me that he LOVES me. Ohh wait.. This is not right. Ya, Allah!!!

Kill me,

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Movie & more,

Nanny Mcphee. I watched it Santi. I think she enjoys it. Ohwells, if you have lost it, no worries. You may buy it or download. Nanny Mcphee is a v interesting movie to watch. Perhaps for little boys & girls who will enjoy watching it.
Yday, two social workers came. They asked about my school thing.. Nothing much to say but I was so SLEEPY. I slept at 1++am and woke up at 9.00am as them are coming at 10AM! Can you believe it! Okay lah. 9 hrs to sleep. That's more than enough. HAHAHA. That's it for today and the next time will be next month! I think.. Haha..
Till then,
signing off from raRaY

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

No gd movies.. ):

Seriously, I think there's no good movies at this moment. I watched The Back-up Plan. Kinda interesting. Well, that was my lastest movie that I had.

Till then, this is raRa.


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Who's with ME?

I wanna watch this...!! Who is with me??

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Mommy, why are you like that? I'm v tired of this nonsense.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tsk.. Tsk.. Tsk..

Actually, I don't have the mood to type anything.. Oh wells.. I just came back from the hospital. Nothing much but just that I have to look out on my eating. I'm pretty much sick of my life. Don't you too??

faRa Y

Sunday, January 31, 2010


I am v upset with my sister & her beloved husband.
Yday was the most horrible day of my life in 2010. I didn't know until my mom told me. My mom told me that my sister, Noor is v selfish. She complained to her husband EVERYTHING! She said that if my dad dies, I will not be able to tell anyone. How irritating. And now, I will do my education ALL BY MYSELF. I can do it with my mom and my 2nd sister. No more Noor. I'm sorry for writing this out. I have to. Who else can I scream out to?! No one can hear me.
