Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Movie & more,

Nanny Mcphee. I watched it Santi. I think she enjoys it. Ohwells, if you have lost it, no worries. You may buy it or download. Nanny Mcphee is a v interesting movie to watch. Perhaps for little boys & girls who will enjoy watching it.
Yday, two social workers came. They asked about my school thing.. Nothing much to say but I was so SLEEPY. I slept at 1++am and woke up at 9.00am as them are coming at 10AM! Can you believe it! Okay lah. 9 hrs to sleep. That's more than enough. HAHAHA. That's it for today and the next time will be next month! I think.. Haha..
Till then,
signing off from raRaY

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

No gd movies.. ):

Seriously, I think there's no good movies at this moment. I watched The Back-up Plan. Kinda interesting. Well, that was my lastest movie that I had.

Till then, this is raRa.
