Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Vanlentines' Day.

Happy Vanlentines' Day!

Hmm... well, gd for those who are in love, those who have good friends and all, A VERY HAPPY VANLENTINES' DAY!

Well.. As for me? I didn't do much. Seriously! Stayed at home, cooked for my baby. Err,.. Didn't really cooked, cooked with my sister. Haha.

I think this year's vanlentines' day was just a day with nothing.

_ _ _ _,
faRa Y

Training center.


I so happened to be writing in today. Well.. I do not know why but my trainer is always giving me my modules very late! So fed up. Sometimes it too me almost a week. How am I going to fly like a bird?

faRa Y

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Angry angry. So ANGRY!

Hello blog,
this place is like a hell to me. I cannot take it. All I can do is write down all my sorrows. I am just so angry and upset. She asked me to get a job. Like the! I will get a job. No worries. Dr. Karen told her that I cannot work in a fastfood restaurant. And she asked me to. Ohh FCUK. I don't mean it but I have to. Come on! Its a new year. Spare me!
