Thursday, July 07, 2011

Too much!

I am just so fed up with babat. "He" is going to tell my mom abt everything. Like wherever I go and the TIMING. This is just too much. I only can think of getting married early so that everyone CAN JUST SHUT THE HELL UP! I am feeling like a small child. I cried just now, wanting to shout my heart out. Feeling so very irritated since morning. All thanks to "him".
Spoilt my mood of enjoyment. Spoilt my FRIDAY.

Feel my heart,

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Miss Lopez..

Enjoy! Love love this song. keeps me going...!!

Best regards,

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Friday, June 10, 2011

Can't be bothered.

Totally can't be bothered.
1. My boyfriend just pissed me off.
2. My job just sucks.
3. My school is not approved by my mom.

I am actually feeling kind of shitty. Feeling so horrible. Sometimes, I don't know why I am still alive. Just now, my mom is so upset with me just bec I am not working today. I was like... WHAT THE F! She thinks that I am a robot. Who don't need to rest a day aft sch. She just love MONEY! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!!!! I am so angry that I don't know what to do.


Saturday, March 26, 2011


Gd evening,

well..Some ppl will be happy for me, some no. I just broke up with Daud. Don't worry. I am alright. Cry? No. Why should I? I should be happy for the both of us. Please do not ask me why I called the r/s off. He is not ready to be in a r/s.
Buzz off.

With love,

Pls write me if I should NOT break up & why.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Don't know why but..

Don't know why but it seems like we are not supposed to be together.
I feel so shit now. Don't know why.. Maybe I am so in love with him.
My heart breaks every day..

faRa Y

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Vanlentines' Day.

Happy Vanlentines' Day!

Hmm... well, gd for those who are in love, those who have good friends and all, A VERY HAPPY VANLENTINES' DAY!

Well.. As for me? I didn't do much. Seriously! Stayed at home, cooked for my baby. Err,.. Didn't really cooked, cooked with my sister. Haha.

I think this year's vanlentines' day was just a day with nothing.

_ _ _ _,
faRa Y

Training center.


I so happened to be writing in today. Well.. I do not know why but my trainer is always giving me my modules very late! So fed up. Sometimes it too me almost a week. How am I going to fly like a bird?

faRa Y

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Angry angry. So ANGRY!

Hello blog,
this place is like a hell to me. I cannot take it. All I can do is write down all my sorrows. I am just so angry and upset. She asked me to get a job. Like the! I will get a job. No worries. Dr. Karen told her that I cannot work in a fastfood restaurant. And she asked me to. Ohh FCUK. I don't mean it but I have to. Come on! Its a new year. Spare me!


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

It was not on accident

Hey blog,

I am very irritated already with everything. Ohh.. I don't know if I should say, thanked God. She told him. He will come between 3pm to 9pm to send over the pills for her. HELLO?! I am suppose to go over to baby D's place later. I am so angry.

Full of anger,
faRa Y

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Just today.

Hello hello!

I've no idea what am I suppose to do today. I end up watching L Word. Well.. my baby is working today until 11++pm. So I am just gonna watch tv until I die. Haha. Or maybe play with my CS 5, photoshop.

Lots of hugs & kisses,

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I am just feeling so irritated. Irritated with my mom. She can go on and on nagging abt all of us. to ppl. Telling them every single thing abt us. I mean seriously. I am just not bothered abt everything. Right now, I'm just gg to keep my mouth shut. She is just so sesitive over things that has nothing to do. Things that is over. She likes to talk abt it again and AGAIN. I am very unhappy.

Shit it,

Friday, January 14, 2011


We were friends since primary school. Sitted next to each other. But don't know how we met tgt again!
Anyways, it is since December 14, 2010.


Thursday, January 06, 2011