Saturday, March 26, 2011


Gd evening,

well..Some ppl will be happy for me, some no. I just broke up with Daud. Don't worry. I am alright. Cry? No. Why should I? I should be happy for the both of us. Please do not ask me why I called the r/s off. He is not ready to be in a r/s.
Buzz off.

With love,

Pls write me if I should NOT break up & why.


Anonymous said...

If he is not ready than better dont... it take time for someone to get use to begin in a relationship

faRa said...

I understand. Anyways, he agreed to me and then ask for a break up. Ohh my.. Its like gg on circles. I just want to quit it. Tired of all these nonsenses.

Anonymous said...

Take a break... and chill... if he really loves you and you really love him then you guys will get together one day... a test for this is to see how long it takes for him to be in another relationship.

faRa said...

I really hope that things will be fine better the both of us. I truly love him. Had nvr felt this way before. My love for him is real. Don't know if he feels that way too. I miss him. I just have to give him some air to breath.
